FY16 Modern Slavery Statement


This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Science Group plc’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 31 December 2016.

Our business and supply chains
Science Group is a global provider of science, technology and product development consultancy services across a broad range of markets. Further information on Science Group’s businesses can be found at www.sciencegroup.com. All of Science Group’s employees are based in the UK or US.

Our supply chain consists of subcontractors for product development and advisory services, suppliers of scientific and engineering products, materials and services, facilities and maintenance contractors, and support and professional service providers. The majority of these suppliers are based in the UK, US and other low risk countries.

Our policies and procedures
Science Group has a zero tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking of any kind within our businesses or supply chains. Our internal policies reflect our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place. These include:

  • Whistleblowing: Our whistleblowing policy applies to everyone working within Science Group including employees, contractors and other third parties acting on behalf of Science Group. This policy provides a mechanism for the reporting of concerns about suspected wrongdoing or dangers at work, including slavery and human trafficking violations, without fear of reprisals and it forms part of Science Group’s mandatory training for all employees.
  • Recruitment practices: Our recruitment procedures include mandatory documentation checks to ensure that all employees are over 16 and eligible to work in the UK or US as appropriate.
  • Approved suppliers: We operate approved supplier lists for scientific and technical service providers and product/equipment suppliers. All approved suppliers are subject to due diligence checks and regular reviews.
  • Risk assessments: We recognise that certain jurisdictions, sectors and services are considered high risk and therefore all such transactions are reviewed by the Science Group Executive Team who consider the risks and any mitigation required before approval is granted to proceed.

Ongoing assessment
Due to the nature of our business and the locations and sectors in which we operate, the Board considers that there is a very low risk of slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains. However we will continue to review our approach and the effectiveness of our policies and procedures on an ongoing basis.

For and on behalf of the Board

Martyn Ratcliffe
Science Group plc
18 May 2017


View our archive of Modern Slavery Statements here.

About Science Group

Science Group is a science & technology business providing consultancy and systems to an international client base. The Group comprises five operating divisions, supported by a strong balance sheet including significant cash resources and freehold property assets.